Leadership Development and Training

I am Co-Director with Martin Miksits of the Systemic Development Partnership which runs a Diploma in Systemic Leadership and consulting, and workshops for leaders and consultants.  Systemic leadership and consulting faciliates effective organisational practice, individual and collective agency and inclusive and ethical action.  Participants are enabled to expand their repertoire for how to engage with complex and challenging situations.

Website link - www.systemicdevelopment.eu 

We design bespoke courses  for organisations. These are particularly successful when an organisation appreciates that for organisational development to occur the leadership group need to develop at a cultural, relational and skill level in parallel with more formal contexts and skills.

Some examples of bespoke organisational work - 

Church Mission Society

A systemic management development programme functioned for 3 years with the aim of training all managers through a 10 module course. This work has complemented other consultancy and training work for the organisation including facilitating strategic development, development of an appraisal system and training for its implementation, work at the boundary of the relationship between trustee and executive, senior and middle managers, mentoring of general secretary and head of HR. Over that time, a cultural shift has occurred whereby greater staff participation has been achieved in contributing to key issues of development e.g. a new appraisal system, in the context of greater clarity about role, rights and responsibilities for decision making and stronger linkage between organisational strategy, development and enactment of team and individual goals.

Community of the Resurrection

A reflexive inquiry approach has been used to facilitate the development of a community in the context of severe conflict. The work has included extensive interviewing of individuals to enable core issues to materialise that were felt to be difficult to articulate; large and small group work to encourage the discussion of key issues and the building of relationship; work at senior management level to create coherence and balance of intervention. The work has enabled the community to develop communication skills so that differences are worked through and contained and progress not impeded. The community recently experienced a successful election for a new leader, which they see as a sign of development, as previously, the meaning of leadership was a very contested issue.